How often should you change socks?

Considering a large number of jokes about “a smell of men’s socks“, the following question arises: “And why men, except for some persons, so irresponsibly treat the personal hygiene?“. Perhaps, they follow the statement that from the real man aroma of Threefold cologne has to reach, and on the appearance, it has to be slightly better than a chimpanzee. As second argument: laziness or economy on new socks.

What dirty socks threaten for health


And if not to sneer a situation, then men who do not take care of hygiene can face very unpleasant consequences sooner or later. First of all, this disgust from people around you.

Each woman, at the sight of the man sees three main things:

  • cleanness of footwear;
  • cleanness of nails;
  • smell of socks. If the man had high physical activity.

Secondly: these are serious inflammatory processes with fungal infection. If not to change often socks, especially during the warm period of time, then there will be a strong interring standing. Concerning underwear, its infrequent change can lead to infectious process, the caused streptococci. Of course, it is not venereal diseases, but feelings also unpleasant: reddening of a genital, burning at an urination, can also be even small allocation from an urethra. And if to start all this, then there it is not far also before developing of prostatitis.

Interesting facts

According to researches which were conducted by sociologists it became clear that single men, then married change socks and underwear much less often. The main argument of the bachelor – why to change, for the sake of whom? As do not twist, but emergence in life of the man of the woman plays a large role in the solution of a question of dirty socks.
Why women so catch an unpleasant smell of socks? Scientists came to a conclusion that men are more inclined to a smell of tobacco, alcohol, and here the smell of socks does not confuse them at all.

Each man determines the frequency of change of socks and underwear itself, but you should not forget about the health. Well, and secondly, nobody knows, then this day and where you appear will end: in the native apartment or on a visit the friend. Ideally the man has to change socks every day, and on requirement two times per day, underwear – once in two days.

Here is the answers from our friends regarding socks change manner

  • *… socks need to be changed every day because of smell and if if you lazy to do that every day, then it is necessary to go in general without socks (girl, 15 years).
  • *… men’s socks need to be changed daily because the smell of sweat does not excite girls (girl, 17 years).
  • *… I already several times had to refuse to the man intimate proximity because of not washed socks and dirty legs. At me any desire to have sex with the smelly gentleman vanishes (girl, 20 years).
  • *… if the man – a goat, then it is necessary to change socks as often as possible (woman, 24 years).
  • *… I brought the foreign man once into the house when my husband worked during a night shift. And then all night long dispersed the remained men’s smells on the apartment: here already, it seems, also did not smell of alcohol and tobacco, and stank of goat socks, appear, a week more after this appointment. It is good that else my husband did not get wind (the woman, 25 years).
  • *… I think that men’s socks need to be changed every day during the summer period and every other day – during the winter period (girl, 18 years).
  • *… I live in the female hostel and when to my friend her guy comes to oversleep, I run away to spend the night to neighbors. Not out of shame – neighbors have sex too. I run away from his socks. It something! It, likely, changes them once a year (girl, 20 years).
  • *… it is necessary to change who argues with it, as often as possible. At least once a week (woman, 54 years).
  • *… the smell of men’s not washed socks is as fatherland smoke. Where from it you will get to?! (woman, 37 years).
  • *… intelligent men change socks nearly an every day, and workers – 1-2 times a week. Judging by my relatives, villagers change socks of times a month (woman, 31 years).
  • *… on my erotic observations, I noticed interesting regularity: the man is lower growth, the he changes socks more often and watches himself, and tall men consider, as so will descend. Perhaps I on high slander, at me them was not so much, and about little men is sure: they often change socks and are much tidier (woman, 30 years).
  • *… I consider that socks should be changed every day. I change them every other day as I dress them only for work and from work, and at work I go to others – workers who I change too, but is much more rare (man, 35 years).
  • *… if the normal and healthy man, I consider that socks can be changed once a week, except politicians and actors (man, 55 years).
  • *… I change socks from a bath to a bath (man, 59 years).
  • *… I change socks if they begin to stick to a leg, and to be guided by a smell is useless. The smell does not stink, and the decent woman will sustain a smell of any men’s socks if only in them there was a man decent. And as for dishonorable women, they catch a smell of your socks until you give them expensively to a gift (man, 47 years).
  • *… in the beginning it is necessary to learn how often we wash legs? (man, 25 years).
  • *… and men’s socks, as well as women’s shorts, it is necessary to change every day. I so think (woman, 38 years).
  • *… thought up a unique way of refreshing of socks. I throw very dirty sock under a case and let it lie weeks two there, the stench will not disappear yet, then its a day more three can be worn. But after that double “abuse” it is necessary to erase surely, otherwise there will be some smell which is not removed even by washing (man, 25 years).
  • *… I always recognize by socks of the good person if socks dirty is a working person who has no time to be engaged in such trifles and if he has clean socks – that he is an idler, only and thinking with whom to it to oversleep (woman, 51 years).
  • *… to the girl it is possible to go only in fresh socks that she did not screw up the face (guy, 22 years).
  • *… men! As often as possible change socks – your future depends on them (guy, 20 years).
  • *… it does not depend on time socks of socks, and on a smell of a concrete sock. If the smell of socks is heard from distance (between a nose and a sock) to 20 centimeters, then clean socks. If the smell is caught from distance of 20-50 cm – it is possible to wear socks a couple of days more. If smell from meter, then such socks can be put on just once. It is bad when socks smell from distance more than two-three meters – it is necessary to erase immediately (man, 35 years).
  • *… dirty men’s socks for any woman is the main instinct. If they are nasty to her, then this is not her man. And if she doesn’t care if and how they stink – she is in love. (woman, 33 years).